
GED Classes
Classes are provided daily by NYS certified teachers. All students are assessed and placed at their level. Classes are held Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm. We also offer virtual classes.

GED Testing
Best Resource Center is a GED testing site. The state test covers 4 subject areas Math, Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. To register click the link below.

TABE Assessment
Academic-based, nationwide assessment that provides valid and reliable measurement of the skills that adults need to succeed, both on the job and in life.
Available in both paper-pencil and online formats, TABE 11&12 is aligned with College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards and complies with today’s rigorous Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) regulations. TABE is powered by DRC INSIGHT™, a secure, powerful, and reliable online testing engine. Subject Areas
For more information click the link below

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
The ESOL program emphasizes personal, academic and career readiness. The curriculum is designed to develop language proficiency for the workplace and/or academic life. Authentic language interaction connects classroom learning to what the students encounter in their daily lives.
Intensive instruction in reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary prepares students for long-term success and continued progress in the workplace, college, or vocational program. This is a standards-based program, which promotes workforce, academic, and life skills practice and prepares adult learners for a successful transition to their community. Learning is interactive and student centered and ensures understanding from basic English to high intermediate English, while building student confidence. Relevant and interesting material connects adult learners to topics that affect them and allows for purposeful engagement, while addressing their varied needs and interests.